Maximize Land Value
As part of his plan to contribute to society with his passion for beauty, CMP Group founder Mr. Ho Ming-xian decided to adjust CMP Group's business map. Pujen Land Development was incorporated in 2002, marking CMP's foray into the real estate industry.

Fulfillment of Passion and Pursuit of Beauty
Since its foundation, Pujen Land Development has been devoted to maximizing land value, creating beautiful urban landscapes, and meeting users' needs for simplicity and purity.
The concept of "diligence, integrity, and the pursuit of excellence" lies at the heart of Pujen Land Development. Pujen takes steady steps and creates profits with high client satisfaction levels and a valuable brand name. Pujen does not build cold grey buildings, instead creating spaces that inspire. Pujen brings together passionate architectural professionals and places humanity as its top priority, creating works of purity and simplicity.
"Return to purity and simplicity. Let architecture integrate with the surroundings. Reconnect with nature." Pujen Land Development respects ecology and the environment. By building housing that exists in harmony with nature, Pujen fulfills its promise to promote green architecture.