Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term Goals
Sustainable Development Plan
About the CMP Group Sustainability Report
Letter From Management
Annual Accomplishments
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
CMP Group Overview
Management of sustainability issues
Corporate Governance
Employee Relations
Suppliers, Products, and Customers
Environmental Sustainability
Community Co-Prosperity
- Stakeholder Survey
- ESG Reports
ESG Team
The CMP Group upholds its business philosophy of "Diligence, Integrity, Honesty, Beauty, Kindness, and Sincerity" and is devoted to corporate sustainability practices. In addition to CMP's "Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles," "Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles," "Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct," and the "Guidelines for the Adoption of Codes of Ethical Conduct" that were approved by the BOD, a Corporate Sustainability Office was established under the BOD and the Sustainability Development Task Force (or Sustainability Team) was formed in accordance with CMP Group's bylaws. Through the supervision of the BOD, communication with stakeholders, special project promotions, management system, execution of management approaches, constant reviews and adjustments, and regular reports to the BOD, CMP Group hopes to facilitate prosperity amongst all stakeholders, the environment, and society. There were no incidents of critical concern in the operations in 2023.