Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term Goals
Sustainable Development Plan
About the CMP Group Sustainability Report
Letter From Management
Annual Accomplishments
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
CMP Group Overview
Management of sustainability issues
Corporate Governance
Employee Relations
Suppliers, Products, and Customers
Environmental Sustainability
Community Co-Prosperity
- Stakeholder Survey
- ESG Reports
About the CMP Group Sustainability Report
Since the first publication in 2015, the annual CMP Group CSR Report (renamed the Sustainability Report in 2021) has detailed CMP Group's contributions to the economy, the environment, and society. The Sustainability Report also covers CMP Group's responses to the expectations and the wishes of its stakeholders while conveying the CMP Group's unwavering commitment to continue sustainable business practices.
Boundary and Scope
This CMP Group Sustainability Report includes all events that occurred between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, within the CMP Group and its subsidiaries as listed below. All partial disclosures would be highlighted in specific chapters. CMP Group will continue to disclose and gradually incorporate complete details of all affiliated companies to exhibit its sustainability influence on the CMP Group value chain.
- China Metal Products Co., Ltd.
- China Metal International Holdings Inc. (including the subsidiaries: Suzhou CMS Machinery Co., Ltd., CMW (Tianjin) Industry Co., Ltd., and Suzhou CMB Machinery Co., Ltd., CMI (Wu Han) Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.)
- PUJEN Land Development Co., Ltd.
- Shangrila Tourism Co., Ltd.
- CMP PUJEN Foundation for Arts and Culture
Compilation Guidelines
This Sustainability Report was compiled in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. KPMG Taiwan independently audited all financial reports and appointed British Standards Institution (BSI) to verify the disclosure contents of CMP Group’s Sustainability Report in accordance with Type 1 Moderate of AA1000AS v3 assurance engagement. The data collection and calculation methods used to quantify the indices were in accordance with the following sequence: local regulations, global standards, and industry standards and industry best practices, respectively. The currency exchange rate is based on the currency exchange rate provided by CMP Finance and Accounting Department for the period from January to December of the current year.
Compilation Process and Review
All data and information disclosed in this Sustainability Report were organized and compiled by the executive secretary after an internal survey conducted by the Sustainability Development Task Force and the confirmation by relevant responsible supervisors for their correctness, and subsequently approved by the Board of Directors (BOD).
Sustainability Report Publication
Current Version: August, 2024
Previous Version: June, 2023
Contact Information
Should you have any questions regarding the CMP Group CSR Report, please feel free to contact:
Mr. CHEN, Hung Yi (CMP Group Spokesperson)
Address: 4F., No.85, Sec.4, Ren-ai Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 106445, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-2-2711-2831 Ext. 8160
CMP Group Website: